Navigate Festive Learning: Letter & Shape Maze Christmas Road Trip Adventure
Traveling with kids is always a challenge. Rewarding and worth it but a challenge nonetheless. With the Christmas break, we will be traveling across the country, stopping at cousins, aunts, and uncles’ houses as well as my in-laws. In this blog post, we are talking about Letter & Shape Maze Christmas Road Trip
With twins, this was always going to be a daunting task. Not only did I have to keep the kids entertained in the car, but when we were at relative’s homes as well.
With the holidays, the kids were already nervous about Santa finding them for their presents on Christmas morning. Some of these relatives I have not seen for years or longer. That is why this Christmas Road trip is so important.

I remember Mad Libs when I was a kid, but with shipping delays and costs for everything, I did not want to risk the books not arriving on time. They are too young for phones as well.
My relatives all have Christmas trees and decorations. None of them have time to babysit my kids or entertain them. If I wanted any quality time with my relatives, I knew I had to find something to entertain the kids that they could do on their own.
It was my daughter’s teacher that gave them the idea to print activity pages for them. Miss Thomas actually sent home some printed worksheets for the kids to do over the holidays—a little bit of schoolwork but mostly coloring pages and a couple of mazes.
The mazes were the most popular ones, and both were done on the bus on the way home. The girls were arguing over who had completed the mazes first as they came in the door.
I looked up kids’ printables and found pages on Etsy and eBay for several dollars a page and mixed reviews. I also ran across coloring pages, but one look at the walls in my girl’s room convinced me that crayons or markers in the car were a bad idea.
Instead, I found a software app that allows me to print mazes. Not just the regular mazes with shapes and designs either. This app allows you to print letter mazes as well. I am just getting started printing these out, but so far, I am impressed by this software app.

It seems to be able to create unlimited mazes. I can put in search criteria or find what I am looking for by category. I am not sure which ones will be the most popular, but I am printing on both sides of the page, so I will have more than enough.
I mentioned it to my cousins, who also have kids about the same age, and she thought it was a great idea. So, I am now making little maze booklets for my kids to give to their second cousins. It should, I hope, help them all stay out of mischief. Or at least find less of it.
We head out tomorrow and do not get home until the day after Christmas, so I better get back to printing these letters and shaping mazes.
Here are some free mazes we created to share with you that we made using the software app. We hope you enjoy them.
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