Trivia Christmas Trivia Questions and Answers 18 July 2022 Jay Christmas Movies and Books Who was the star of the Christmas movie Jingle All the Way? Arnold Schwarzenegger Who tries to stop Christmas from coming, by stealing all things of Christmas from “the Who’s”? The Grinch Who was the star of the movie titled White Christmas? Bing Crosby What is the first name of Scrooge, the principal character of the novel, A Christmas Carol? Ebenezer Who was the author of A Christmas Carol? Charles Dickens How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol? Four What was the name of the animated Christmas movie featuring Tom Hanks? The Polar Express What made Frosty come to life in the movie “Frosty the Snowman?” his hat Why did the other reindeer pick on Rudolph? his rudy red nose How many reindeer were in the story “Twas the Night Before Christmas?” Eight. Rudolph wasn’t in the story. Facebook0 Twitter0 Pinterest1 LinkedIn01 shares